
Jeudi 30 Mars 2023 de 14h00 à 15h00
SEMINAIRE IRCM Jeudi 30 Mars de 14h à 15h


Vizgen, MEng, MBA, Regional Account Manager

Decipher Tissue Complexity with Spatial Genomics: Single Cell Spatially Resolved Transcriptomic Imaging with MERSCOPE Powered by MERFISH

contact : Laurent Le Cam (Inserm)

Biological systems are composed of numerous cell types, intricately organized to form functional tissues and organs. While recent advancements in genomics technologies have made it possible to characterize cell types through careful analysis of the transcriptome, they are unable to resolve how gene expression and cell types are spatially arranged. In this presentation, we introduce you to Vizgen’s all-in-one in situ genomics platform MERSCOPE, which enables the direct profiling of the spatial organization of intact tissue with genomic scale
throughput. The instrument, the MERFISH chemistry and use cases will be presented as well.


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