The IRCM's Droso core facility provides a space to grow and sort fruit flies and to carry out genetic experiments that will allow, in this model organism, to answer some fundamental questions about the biology of cells and organs, particularly in the context of tumour growth.
75% of human genes involved in oncology have an equivalent in the fly, thus allowing us to rapidly study, and in application of the 3R rule (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement), the role of genes involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, cell migration, metabolic reprogramming and many other processes deregulated during carcinogenesis. Drosophila thus makes an essential contribution to research in biology, and more particularly to cancer research.
The Droso Facility is equipped with
- 4 stereomicroscopes / sorting stations
- a "GFP" stereomicroscope with camera
- several incubators (18 / 25 / 29°C)
- tools for the preparation of “designed” culture media
Our facility is linked to the Drosophila preclinical platform in Montpellier for the production of specific culture media.
Head: Alexandre Djiane
Deputy: Charles Géminard
Alexandre Djiane
Charlotte Grimaud
Charles Géminard
Céline Passet