The RHEM, Réseau d'Histologie Expérimentale de Montpellier, created in September 2008, is the core facility of the UAR (Unité d'Appui à la Recherche) BioCampus Montpellier dedicated to the histological phenotyping of animal models of human diseases. It enables the pooling and rationalisation of human and material resources, expertise and skills in histological and anatomo-pathological analysis of experimental models from Montpellier research institutes.
The RHEM is led by :
- A scientific manager : Florence BERNEX – Senior lecturer at the University of Montpellier – contact :, tel. 04 11 28 31 39
- An operational manager : Nelly PIROT – Inserm Researche Engineer - contact :, tel. 04 11 28 31 40
The RHEM is composed of 3 core facilities localised in different institutes of Montpellier, each dedicated to specific treatments :
- cryopreserved samples and blood counts for the core facility located at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (RHEM_IGMM),
- transparent samples for the core facility located at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Montpellier (RHEM_IGF),
- fixed and paraffin-embedded samples for the core facility located at the Montpellier Institute of Cancer Research (RHEM_IRCM).

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