Oncogenic pathways in lung cancer : A. Maraver


Our laboratory is devoted to the main cause of death by cancer in the world, i.e., the lung cancer. We are focused into resistance to therapies with the main goal of increasing the life expectancy of lung cancer patients.



Xiong H, Mancini M, Gobert M, Shen S, Furtado G, Lira S, Parkhurst C, Brengues M, Tadokoro C, Trimarchi T, Singh A, Khiabanian H, Minuzzo S, Indraccolo S, Lobry C, Aifantis I, Herranz D, Lafaille J, Maraver A Spleen plays a major role in DLL4-driven acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. Theranostics. 2021;11(4):1594-1608. doi:10.7150/thno.48067

Bousquet Mur E, Bernardo S, Papon L, Mancini M, Fabbrizio E, Goussard M, Ferrer I, Giry A, Quantin X, Pujol J-L, Calvayrac O, Moll H, Glasson Y, Pirot N, Turtoi A, Cañamero M, Wong K-K, Yarden Y, Casanova E, Soria J-C, Colinge J, Siebel C, Favre G, Paz-Ares L, Maraver A Notch inhibition overcomes resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in EGFR-driven lung adenocarcinoma. J Clin Invest. 2020;130(2):612-624. doi:10.1172/JCI126896

Mancini M, Gaborit N, Mazzeo L, Romaniello D, Salame T, Lindzen M, Mahlknecht G, Enuka Y, Burton D, Roth L, Noronha A, Marrocco I, Adreka D, Altstadter R, Bousquet E, Downward J, Maraver A, Krizhanovsky V, Yarden Y An oligoclonal antibody durably overcomes resistance of lung cancer to third-generation EGFR inhibitors. EMBO Mol Med. 2018;10(2):294-308. doi:10.15252/emmm.201708076

Rivera-Torres J, Guzman-Martinez G, Villa-Bellosta R, Orbe J, Gonzalez-Gomez C, Serrano M, Diez J, Andres V, Maraver A Targeting gamma-secretases protect against angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Journal of hypertension. 2015;33. doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000000463

Maraver A, Fernandez-Marcos P, Cash T, Mendez-Pertuz M, Duenas M, Maietta P, Martinelli P, Munoz-Martin M, Martinez-Fernandez M, Canamero M, Roncador G, Martinez-Torrecuadrada J, Grivas D, de la Pompa J, Valencia A, Paramio J, Real F, Serrano M NOTCH pathway inactivation promotes bladder cancer progression. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2015;125. doi:10.1172/JCI78185


Team Leader  : Antonio Maraver

Institut de Recherche en
Cancérologie de Montpellier
Campus Val d’Aurelle
34298 Montpellier cedex 5


Tél. : 33 (0)4 11 28 32 08

Partners / Funding


© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés