This platform, created by the SIRIC, proposes different graft models available as part of research contracts or collaborations: intravenous, intraperitoneal, intrasplenic and intracaecal grafts of cell suspensions.
Various cell models already tested for their ability to form primary tumors or metastasis are available. Several of these human and preclinical model cell lines stably express a luciferase reporter gene, allowing the in vivo monitoring of the tumor growth by a noninvasive bioluminescence imaging system. Detection of as few as several dozens of cells can be achieved.
Typical examples of utilization of the MPCC platform include testing effects of a new therapeutic drugs, antibodies or genes on tumor growth and invasiveness.
The MPCC platform works in close collaboration with RAM (Réseau des plateformes précliniques de Montpellier), IPAM (Imagerie du Petit preclinical model de Montpellier), RHEM (Réseau d’Histologie Expérimentale de Montpellier) and MRI (Montpellier Rio Imaging).
For more information, click on the link bellow or email us at: : MPCC@icm.unicancer.fr