INTEGRAGEN, Genopole Campus, Evry (Paris)
contact : Pierre-François ROUX (equipe L. LeCam-INSERM)
Institut Pasteur, Department of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
contact : Alexandre Djiane (IRCM)
Institut Pasteur, Department of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
contact : Alexandre Djiane (IRCM)
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC)
University Paris-Saclay-CEA-CNRS; Gif/Yvette
contact : Alexandre Djiane (Inserm-IRCM)
CNRS UMR 9019 Paris-Saclay
Intégrité du génome et cancer
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif
contact : Eric JULIEN (Inserm/CNRS)
Replication stress resulting from slowing or stalling of DNA replication forks is a major driver of genome instability during cancer initiation and progression. DNA replication can be challenged as a consequence of oncogene activation or by agents that interfere with DNA synthesis, such as the ones used in chemotherapy. To accomplish genome duplication and prevent chromosomal instability, cells have evolved mechanisms that protect, stabilize and/or restart replication forks while delaying cell cycle progression, which avoids entering mitosis with under-replicated DNA. Over the last years, however, work from several laboratories including ours has shown that cells can progress into mitosis with under-replicated DNA. This led to the identification of mechanisms, mediated by the Fanconi anemia (FA) and Homologous Recombination (HR) repair pathways, that promote post-replication repair and rescue of under-replicated DNA in mitosis, allowing cells to divide and continue proliferating. I will discuss how these findings have advanced our understanding of the link between replication stress and genome instability; I will present a molecular pathway that connects mitochondrial stress and functions of FA proteins in genome maintenance; finally, I will show that mechanisms involved in mitotic rescue of under-replicated DNA may represent promising targets to selectively kill cancer cells that sustain intrinsically high levels of replication stress.
Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CMIL), CNRS-INSERM, Université Aix-Marseille
contact : Laurent Le Cam (Inserm)
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CIC) and Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer (IBMCC), CSIC-USAL, Salamanca, Spain
contact : Antonio Maraver (Inserm) -ATTENTION Séminaire décalé au vendredi 02 Juin à 14h
KRAS oncogenes have been identified in a quarter of all human lung tumors. Recently, several inhibitors were developed that target specific mutant KRAS isoforms and two of them, directed against the KRAS G12C oncoprotein, have just been approved. However, most patients develop resistance against these inhibitors and no actual survival benefits have been observed in clinical trials. Thus, it is urgently required to identify novel therapeutic options applicable to most if not all patients with KRAS-mutant tumors. I will discuss what we have learned from genetically engineered mouse models about the development of resistance to KRAS inhibition. Moreover, I will present novel insights into the mechanisms of KRAS signaling in lung cancer and how a better understanding of KRAS signaling may help to overcome resistance to targeting either KRAS itself or its MAPK effector pathway.
Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, INSERM UMRS1138, Paris
contact : Florence Cammas (Inserm/CNRS)
Vizgen, MEng, MBA, Regional Account Manager
contact : Laurent Le Cam (Inserm)
Biological systems are composed of numerous cell types, intricately organized to form functional tissues and organs. While recent advancements in genomics technologies have made it possible to characterize cell types through careful analysis of the transcriptome, they are unable to resolve how gene expression and cell types are spatially arranged. In this presentation, we introduce you to Vizgen’s all-in-one in situ genomics platform MERSCOPE, which enables the direct profiling of the spatial organization of intact tissue with genomic scale
throughput. The instrument, the MERFISH chemistry and use cases will be presented as well.